Oh My Stars: Music and Music Videos I Love

Music and Music Videos I Love

Wander around and click what you like. Sometimes it's the song that's touched me or brings back a memory, sometimes (often) it's the music video that's done the same. I'm a pretty visual person, so very often a song doesn't connect with me until I see the visual interpretation. I hope you find something here that connects with you, too.

This, of course, has to be the first video on the list. If you know, you know.

This one never fails to make me happy.

A crush before I knew I liked girls.

Something personal.

It's a bop.

Sing along!

Romantic starlight in musical form.

Never won't make me think of an angel falling in love.

Best movie, or best movie?

I mean, the video's kind of gross but I still love it.

My gift is my song, and this one's for you.

I, too, enjoy poppin' tags at a good thrift emporium.

A little too loud or a little too close.

I want a moped, dammit.

So many very different memories attached to this song.

I loved this song after it was cool the first time, but before it was cool again.

This one brings back my mom for a moment, and calls me back to my ancestors for a second, and is just a banger.

From an era.

There was a time.

Once upon a time I thought he was my grandpa.

I love it. That's all.


At one point in my life I knew all sorts of swing music and bands. My brain's erased most of the files, now.

She was made up by a dude.

Favorite movie, maybe, or at least top two.